The race is held on a 21.3 mile loop which begins and ends in Brookshire, Texas. For the Hour races the object is to ride as many miles as possible within 24, 12 or 6 hours. Each lap is counted as 21.3 miles. For the Gulf Coast 511, the object is for the racer to ride in as shorter time as possible.
All events begin at the La Quinta Inn, Located on the South West corner of I 10 and FM 1489, Brookshire, Texas.
The Gulf Coast 511 race starts at 7:00 PM Thursday (48 hours) or 7:00 AM Friday (36 Hours). Lights required for night riding.
The 24 Hour Race starts at 7:00 PM Friday. Lights required for night riding.
The 12 Hour Race starts at 7:00 AM on Saturday. Lights not required
The 6 Hour Race starts at 1:00 PM Saturday. Lights not required.
All racing finishes at 7:00 PM Saturday
RACES: 511 Mile, 24 Hour, 12 Hour, 6 Hour. CATEGORIES: Standard, Tandem, Recumbent, HPV, Hand cycle. DIVISIONS: Solo, Teams (no teams for the 6 Hour Race) AGE GROUPS: M/F U 18, M/F 18-49, M/F 50 - 59, M/F 60 - 69, M/F 70+ NOTE: Once the race begins, no one will be permitted to change races or categories.
Be prepared to provision yourselves with the food, drink and supplements with which you are comfortable and familiar. Snacks will be provided.
All racers are invited to the restaurant for dinner after the races.
Ultra Marathon Cycling Association. The races also counts towards the UltraCycling Cup.
The 24 Hour Race is a RAAM qualifying race.
RACE AWARDS We will award medals and Certificates of completion to all riders in all races. Results will be published and Certificates will be mailed as soon as possible following the event completion.
Adults Juniors Teams | Men Women | Gulf Coast 511 - Solo or team leader | 7:00 PM | 511 miles | | 4/6/2016 | $ 215 | Adults Juniors Teams | Men Women | Gulf Coast 511 - Team members | 7:00 PM | 511 miles | | 4/6/2016 | $ 185 | Adults Juniors Teams | Men Women | 24 Hour Race - Solo or Team Leader | 7:00 PM | | 1,440 minutes | 4/6/2016 | $ 145 | Adults Juniors Teams | Men Women | 24 Hour Race - Team members | 7:00 PM | | 1,440 minutes | 4/6/2016 | $ 85 | Adults Juniors Teams | Men Women | 12 Hour Race - Solo or Team leader | 7:00 PM | | 720 minutes | 4/6/2016 | $ 105 | Adults Juniors Teams | Men Women | 12 Hour Race - Team members | 7:00 PM | | 720 minutes | 4/6/2016 | $ 70 | Adults Juniors | Men Women | 6 Hour Race - Solos only | 1:00 PM | | 360 minutes | 4/6/2016 | $ 75 |
Bessies Creek
Besses Creek Race Loop on strava, 2013.
Bessies Creek 24 - Course Information
The loop is officially stated as 21.3 miles.
Start at La Quinta Inn
Exit onto the I 10 feeder road
1.13 miles Turn right onto FM 359 – 24 Hour Services
8.13 Miles In Fulshear – 24 Hour Services
Turn right onto FM 1093
12.83 Miles In Simonton – Daytime Services
Turn right onto FM 1489
21.3 Miles Turn right into La Quinta
A. We will follow UMCA rules, with some modifications, including no drafting. If there is any doubt, the rules stated herein will take precedence
B. All rules and regulations are meant to maximize the safety of the riders. In an emergency, all attention must be focused to resolve the situation. Riders and their crews are expected to help in these situations, and will be given credit for any lost time.
C. All rules and regulations must be obeyed by all riders and support crew members at all times.
D. All of the events that comprise the Bessies Creek 24 are non-drafting time trials held on a 21.3 mile loop. The Gulf Coast 511, 24-hour and 12-hour races are part of the UMCA’s UltraCycling Cup competition.
E. Once the race begins, no one will be permitted to change races or categories.
F. The race director has the authority to override, modify or create rules based on extenuating circumstances.
A. Riders and support crew members must conduct themselves in a civil manner at all times. When entering the time station, please do not act in a loud or disruptive manner, especially at night.
B. Riders and support crew members may not act maliciously towards any other person for any reason. Riders and support crew members may not intentionally impede the progress of or misdirect any other person for any reason.
C. When staying at the race hotel, park in designated areas only, do not use room towels to clean bikes and do not disrupt the other guests or neighbors. It is permissible for racers and their crews to set up tents and canopies on the East side of the hotel as directed by the Race Officials.
If you are not staying at the race motel, ask to be directed to authorized parking areas.
D. Violation of the conduct rules or any other inappropriate behavior by a rider or support crew member will result in the rider’s immediate disqualification.
A. Riders must obey Texas, Brookshire, Fulshear, Fort Bend County and Waller County traffic laws at all times. This includes, but is not limited to: stopping at red lights before proceeding right, stopping at stop signs, using hand signals for all turns, keeping as far to the right as safety permits, using the shoulder whenever possible and obeying speed limits.
A. Drafting is not allowed except for members of the same team. Riders must maintain at least a 10 yard space cushion between each other and vehicles. When passing, riders may encroach on the 10 yard space cushion if necessary, but if they linger, they will be considered to be drafting.
B. For safety, riders will be permitted to ride side by side during the night if the road has a shoulder.
C. Violation of the drafting rules will result in a rider’s immediate disqualification.
A. All riders should be self-sufficient and properly equipped. Riders and/or their support crew should have everything necessary to repair or adjust the rider’s bicycle and combat the elements.
B. Riders and support crew members are encouraged to assist one another with mechanical or other problems, but no time credit will be given unless it is an emergency or extenuating situation.
A. All bicycles must be propelled solely by human force. There is no limit as to the number of bicycles a rider may use. A rider may switch between standard, single speed and fixed gear bicycles within the standard category.
A rider may also switch between different types of bicycles, but will be entered in the “other” category.
B. Standard bicycles must be no more than 2 meters long and 75 cm wide. All types of human powered vehicle will be allowed, but will be entered in the appropriate category. Disc wheels, wheel covers and/or aero bars are allowed in the standard category.
A. Riders must wear an approved helmet at all times
- LIGHTS & REFLECTIVE GEAR (required for 511 & 24 hour racers only):
A. All lighting requirements must be met by all riders.
Lights and reflective gear must be used from 7:30 PM Thursday – 6:30 AM Saturday or at the direction of the Race Director.
B. Riders must use at least one steady white front light visible from 500’ mounted to the bicycle, a steady red rear light visible from 300’ mounted to the bicycle and a second flashing red rear light visible from 300’ mounted to the bicycle or rider.
C. Riders must wear a reflective vest (or sash) and reflective ankle bands. Safety of the rider is paramount and additional lighting and reflective gear is highly recommended.
D. Any rider caught riding without lights or reflective gear between the hours of 7:30 PM – 6:30 AM will be immediately disqualified.
A. Teams may be comprised of 2 – 4 members. Each team member must register individually. The same rules and regulations that apply to individual riders also apply to teams and their support crews.
B. Rider exchanges must take place at the Start/finish area at La Quinta Hotel. Any number of teammates may ride at the same time. Mileage is calculated for the first rider completing a lap or finishing, and is not cumulative. Team rider hand-offs must occur adjacent to the timing station.
C. Drafting is allowed between teammates, but not between rival teams, solo racers or any other rider.
A. Sleep is not mandatory, but is recommended when a rider needs it. If you’re tired, even a short nap can be surprisingly refreshing.
B. Race officials reserve the right to pull a rider and/or support crew member off the course and order them to rest if that person is seen to be riding or acting in an unsafe manner.
A. All riders and teams must ride (or walk with their bicycle) every inch of the route to earn mileage.
B. Riders are allowed to leave the course and may be driven to and from their destination, but must leave from and return to the exact same spot. A race official must be notified immediately when this occurs.
C. No credit will be given for navigational errors or for leaving the course.
A. The time station area is designated as a neutral zone. Riders must slow to 10 MPH in the neutral zone and no passing is allowed.
B. There will be a single checkpoint at the La Quinta Motel. Riders must have their time recorded by the official timekeeper when they arrive and depart.
C. It is solely the rider’s responsibility to make sure their time is recorded when they pass through a checkpoint.
D. At the Race start/finish check point space will be available for riders to leave a bag or cooler.
E. On entering the time station area, please do not blow whistles, ring bells or use any other means to attract the attention of the time keepers. When you approach the time keepers, clearly call out your number and listen for that number to be repeated back to you.
A. A rider may be self crewed or may have a support crew in the support area. The rider is expected to be conscious of the needs of other riders when setting up his crew area.
B. No support crew is allowed to follow a racer on the course.
C. Support crew members must obey all of the rules and regulations. If a support crew member violates a rule, it will result in their expulsion from the race and penalties and/or disqualification for their rider.
D. Support crew members must be considerate of the surrounding area in which the course travels. They should not play loud music or behave in a disruptive manner, especially late at night.
E. Support crew members are not allowed to ride a bicycle on the course at any time during the race.
- 511 Mile, 24, 12 and 6 HOUR RACE ENDS:
A. Each race ends exactly 48 hours, 36 hours, 24 hours, 12hours or 6 hours after its respective start. Riders may race right up to that time.
B. All racing ends at 7:00 PM Saturday
C. Prorated time: If the rider returning to the start/finish location has fifteen minutes or more remaining in the allotted time, that rider may continue out onto the course to finish riding the time remaining. Mileage credit will be given based on the distance that rider has traveled over the course of the previous lap for the same amount of time. Example: If a racer completed the previous 21.3 mile lap in one hour and has 30 minutes remaining before the clock runs out and elects to ride a prorated lap, that racer will be given credit of an additional 10.5 miles ridden.
If the rider has less than fifteen minutes remaining of the allotted time, no additional mileage credit will be given.
Racers must notify the timing officials that he/she intendeds to ride out prorated time.
If any racer electing to ride a pro-rated lap does not then do so, and does not inform the time keepers that he/she did not ride the pro-rated lap and still claims the mileage is if he/she did, then that racer will be disqualified.
D. Riders may have their support crews collect them from the course after the official time has expired or may continue to ride the route.
A. Pets are not allowed anywhere on the course or at either checkpoint at any time during the race.
A. Riders and support crew members must obey all rules and regulations at all times. There will be no exceptions.
Unless otherwise noted, the following penalties apply:
1ST Offense: 10 miles off final total
2ND Offense: Additional 21 miles off final total
B. Race officials reserve the right to immediately disqualify a rider and ban them from future races if the situation warrants it.
A. Race officials have complete authority and the decision of the race director is the final word on all matters.
B. Race officials may be stationed along the route as well as at the checkpoint, in vehicles and on bicycles.
C. Any rider wishing to make an official protest must do so in writing and submit it to the race director no later than one hour after their race’s respective time limit has expired. The race director will rule on all protests within one hour.
A. We comply with the current World Anti-Doping Agency Prohibited List of banned substance. In addition, no motor assists will be permitted on any bicycle.