The Greater Dallas Bicyclists (GDB) was founded in 1973 by a few bicycling enthusiasts who wanted to get together for some recreational rides on weekends. Interest has grown so that today it's a 408-member organization that is active in most aspects of bicycling.
To promote bicycling as a lifetime activity that encourages good health, wellness, friendship, skill and personal accomplishment
To work together as a club to have a greater impact on bicycle safety and the community we live in
To provide education to enable bicyclists and motorists to share the road safely
Distance 15-20 Pace 10-12 mph (speed of slowest participant) Hills: no Breaks: 1 Drops: no Leader: Paul Aakre This is an easy ride and the route changes weekly. Meet at parking lot ... moreat University Park City Hall at Golf & Haynie. Golf is between Hillcrest & Preston; lot is 1 block north of University. <,-96.796039&hl=en&ll=32.846293,-96.796036&spn=0.001125,0.001711&sll=37.0625,-95.677068&sspn=48.77566,112.148438&t=h&z=20> Ride goes unless temps approach 45 degrees. Paul Aakre 214-616-7942
Level: Novice, Intermediate
Date: Saturday, 8 Feb, 2025Weekly on Saturday
The Sunday Roll Distance: 30-35 Pace: 14-16 mph Hills: Gentle Breaks: 1 Drops: No Leader: Group ride Maps provided: No "Explore Dallas" ride, starts at NE corner of Preston & Royal. ... morePark in middle of parking lot. The route changes weekly. Not for beginners -- No drops intended, but be able to keep a 15-16 flat cruising pace (thus the "2+" rating) to keep the group together, and do some optional hills. An optional lunch follows the ride in a local restaurant. Ken Wilson 817/929-4869.
Level: Novice, Intermediate
Date: Sunday, 9 Feb, 2025Weekly on Sunday
This ride is designed for casual pace riders, or new riders who might be relatively new to the group ride concept, or are just now starting to stretch their mileage past 5-10 miles. ... moreMy wife and I will (normally) be on our tandem, which practically guarantees staying under 16 mph. The ride leaves from the "Big Thicket" house on the east side of White Rock Lake, and will circle the lake. Please arrive early enough to be ready to roll at the planned departure time!
Typical flat road pace ~12-14 mph, but this is group-dependent, and we regroup if needed. We will attempt to do two full laps of White Rock, if daylight allows, alternating directions. Lights not required, but helmets are, and blinkies are recommended. Please bring tools and tubes to be self-sufficient, in case of flats!
The group may split, dependent upon rider abilities, but nobody gets left out there by themselves...
Any questions, give me a call or email me... Rollout: 6:30PM sharp Distance: 10-20 Flat Road Pace: ~12-14mph, group dependent Hills: That darned spillway Breaks: 1 Drops: No Leader: Paul Brown Contact: Paul Brown 214-690-6781
Level: Novice, Intermediate
Date: Tuesday, 11 Feb, 2025Weekly on Tuesday
Distance: 20-35 Pace: varies by group formed, see the forum for which groups might be available. Hills: Some, route dependent Breaks: None... more Drops: Yes, new riders please make your presence known! Leader: Group ride, no specific leader Maps provided: yes
Join a fun-loving group for a spirited evening ride. Route changes semi-monthly, check forum for updates. Ride splits into various groups by speed and distance.
Park in parking lot and be ready to head out at the scheduled time of ride. New participants please make yourselves known to others.
Specific "new/casual riders" (~13-14mph avg) no drop group typically gathers at start. Ask for it!
An optional dinner follows the ride.
Date: Tuesday, 11 Feb, 2025Weekly on Tuesday
TEBR casual ride at Performance Tuesday Evening. Distance: 20-25 miles Pace: easy going and up to moderate Hills: some neighborhood hills but very short... more Breaks: None Drops: No Leader: Stephen Krogh Maps provided: No
Join a fun-loving group for an evening ride. Perfect for "new/casual riders" (~13-14mph avg} Routes may vary through the season. Current route is a "tour of homes" through Northhaven and Edgemere areas down to University Park and back through Preston Hollow.
Park in parking lot in front of Performance Bike Shop off of Valley View west of Midway and North of LBJ and be ready to head out at the scheduled time of ride. New participants please make yourselves known to others.
An optional dinner follows the ride.
Stephen Krogh 214 893-0663
Level: Novice, Intermediate
Date: Tuesday, 11 Feb, 2025Weekly on Tuesday
Distance: 35+ Pace: 20+ mph -- typical 20mph average at finish. Hills: Hilly Breaks: None, but locations available if you need ... more Drops: Yes -- you should know the route ahead of time! If you fall off, either ride solo or pick up with others who fall off. Leader: None designated. Contact: Dean Wilkinson (
Date: Tuesday, 11 Feb, 2025Weekly on Tuesday
When: Saturday, Jul 2, 2016, 8:00 AM Where: Near Plano Cycling and Fitness 661 Eighteenth Street Plano, TX Category:Plano East Side - Spr/Sum... more
Registration is Not Required
Description: Distance: 30-45 miles Pace: 14-16 mph Breaks 2 Meet 661 18th Street, Plano. Speed varies depending on skill of the riders. Multiple groups, frequently two doing different distances. Optional lunch following ride.
Contact: John Gillard --
Date: Saturday, 8 Feb, 2025Weekly on Saturday
Distance: 35-50 Pace: 14-16 mph Hills: Some, with regrouping Breaks: as needed Drops: No Leader: Front Maps provided: No This ride is perfect for building moderate distance and endurance, ... moreor for a recovery ride. It is designed to help a rider get into better shape, lose weight, and ride farther. No one gets dropped and we re-group often. It is a very nice ride to keep your legs and make new friends bicycling. Optional lunch following ride. Meet at SouthWest corner of Preston/Forest.
Ride Leader:
Rick Russell
Date: Saturday, 8 Feb, 2025Weekly on Saturday
GDB DFW Airport Ride Start at Preston/Forest southwest corner parking lot. Please park near the perimeter of the lot, and show respect for our ‘guest’ status in the merchant’s parking ... morelot! Two routes: Short: Approx. 42 miles, Long: Approx 63 miles Back between noon and 1:30PM., depending on the route. Short ride: 1 Rest Stop, Long ride: 2 Rest Stops. Pace: 16-17mph average at end of ride. See Calendar for faster ride details. There is a faster group that leaves at 8:51. Ride will typically have a leader. Leader is obligated to maintain disciplines of the ride. If no leader the group will have the obligation to maintain the disciplines of the ride. Ride basic rules: No headphones, no aero-bars in pack riding, no wheel overlap. Ask around if you have questions about our ride habits. Ride will be no-drop, within reason. Riders need to be self-sufficient by bringing tire gear, water, cell phones, etc., if needed. We will stop for mechanicals, if possible.
The ride goes out through North Dallas, Farmer’s Branch, Coppell, around DFW Airport, and back. There will be some variations in route or start time posted occasionally so check the website discussion forum before ride time. Short: Approx. 42 miles, Long: Approx 63 miles. If you are new to the ride, introduce yourself around!
Date: Saturday, 8 Feb, 2025Weekly on Saturday
When: Thursday, Jul 21, 2016, 6:30 PM Where: Forest Lane and Central Expressway Office Depot parking lot, SW corner of Forest and Central... more 11615 North Central Expressway Dallas, TX 75234
Category: GDB Thursday Night Ride Registration is Not Required
Level: 2-3 Distance: 28-30 Pace 14-18 mph flats, Avg. 13-15 mph Hills: Gentle Breaks: maybe 1 Drops: None intended Leader: Group ride Maps provided: No
This ride offers a taste of urban cycling with a unique loop. We swing by the Bush Library via the SMU campus, Swiss Avenue mansions, and sweep through Deep Ellum on our way into the heart of downtown Dallas.
If you are looking for a ride to video, this is the one you have been waiting for.
Road bikes, hybrids, and mountain bikes all work on this ride as the pace is generally a recovery from Tuesday and a warm-up for Saturday.
Please park in front of the Asian Mint Restaurant close to Forest Lane so we do not interfere with business. We return at approximately 9:15pm and often grab a bite to eat afterwards.
Ride Leader:
Melinda Evans
Type: Road, Mountain Bike, Cyclocross, No Drop
Date: Thursday, 13 Feb, 2025Weekly on Thursday