Texas Ultra Spirit 2016 - Presented by Northwest Cycling Club
18.9 mile loop - featuring lightly travelled country roads
This event is part of the Texas Ultra Cup Challenge. 2016 Texas Ultra Cup Challenge schedule coming soon!
We will have electronic real time timing!!
Showers will be available at Fayetteville School (3 pm to 7:30 pm) located 6 blocks from town square.
SCHEDULE OF EVENTS: Friday 4:30 PM : Registration and Packet Pick up open at Race Headquarters in Fayetteville Friday 6:30 PM : 24-Hour Race begins (Registration/Packet Pickup at 4:30 pm) Saturday 6:30 AM : 12-Hour Race begins (Registration/Packet Pickup at 5:00 am) Saturday 12:30 PM : 6-Hour Race begins (Registration/Packet Pickup at 11:00 am) Saturday afternoon : Sprint Races begin, time to-be-announced (most likely 2 pm) Saturday 6:30 PM : Course closes. All riders must be off the course. Saturday 6:00 PM : Social hour begins at St Johns Church Rec Hall - 202 E. Bell St Saturday 7:30 PM : Awards Dinner at St Johns Church - 4 blocks from town square
- 24 Hours
- 12 Hours
- 6 Hours
- Spirit Sprint (2 laps)
- Upright bike
- Recumbent
- Tandem
- Mixed (teams)
- Single Speed
- Fixed Gear
- Trike
- Solo Male
- Solo Female
- Team Male
- Female Team
- Mixed Team
Registration fee includes 1 ticket for awards dinner.
Additional dinner tickets can be purchased. Awards Dinner: stay tuned for menu.
Riders who register through March 31 will be guaranteed an event tech shirt.
We'll order extras, but it's first-come-first served!
Adults | Men Women | | 6:30 PM | | 1,440 minutes | 4/27/2016 | $ 135 | | Teams | Men Women | | 6:30 PM | | 1,440 minutes | 4/27/2016 | $ 115 | Fee is for Per Member | Adults | Men Women | | 6:30 AM | | 720 minutes | 4/27/2016 | $ 115 | | Teams | Men Women | | 6:30 AM | | 720 minutes | 4/27/2016 | $ 95 | Fee is for Per Member | Adults | Men Women | | 12:30 PM | | 360 minutes | 4/27/2016 | $ 95 | | Teams | Men Women | | 12:30 PM | | 360 minutes | 4/27/2016 | $ 75 | Fee is for Per Member | Adults | Men Women | Spirit Solo | 2:00 PM | 38 miles | | 4/27/2016 | $ 50 | | Teams | Men Women | Spirit Team | 2:00 PM | 38 miles | | 4/27/2016 | $ 50 | Fee is for Per Member |
Texas Ultra Spirit 2016 - Short Loop Course Information
The course is an 18.9 mile loop that starts from the Fayetteville town square. The long loop route will close at a pre-determined time. After that, all riders will be re-directed to the shorter 7.5 mile loop. You may ride as many laps as you can in the time allotted, but ONLY completed laps will count. No pro-rated laps.
Note: Current routes are subject to change due to construction, road conditions, and permissions. Please check back the week before the event for the most current information.
Texas Ultra Spirit 2016 - Long Loop Course Information
The course is an 18.9 mile loop that starts from the Fayetteville town square. The long loop route will close at a pre-determined time. After that, all riders will be re-directed to the shorter 7.5 mile loop. You may ride as many laps as you can in the time allotted, but ONLY completed laps will count. No pro-rated laps.
Note: Current routes are subject to change due to construction, road conditions, and permissions. Please check back the week before the event for the most current information.
- 1. Being safe and riding safely is most important.
2. Attendance at the Pre-Race Meeting is mandatory. 15 min. before start of each
3. Each racer must travel every foot of the prescribed course.
4. There will be no allowance made for lost time or miles ridden in the wrong
5. Only complete laps count. There are NO prorated laps. All laps must be
completed within your race time limit. There is a short loop that will be
used/opened with about 2 hr. before time (6, 12, or 24 hrs. races) expires. It is 7.5 miles long, you may do as many short loops as you can within your time, and but only complete laps count. Any racer found on FM 2503 (this road is only ridden along short loop route) before SHORT loop route is opened will be DQ’ed. Follow the rules! SHORT laps are NOT allowed in the Spirit (38 mile) 2 Loop race.
6. No un-sportsman-like conduct.
7. No racer or racers crew will attempt to block or impede the progress of another
8. Riders must obey all traffic laws.
9. If you have a flat or mechanical, riders needs to pull off the road for repairs or wait for an official support vehicle. Be prepared to fix your own flat. Please do not stop on the road except at stop signs or where necessary for safety. Do not impede other riders or vehicle traffic. Roads are not wide enough for a stopped rider, a passing rider, and vehicles coming from different directions simultaneously.
10. A legal stop is defined as follows: Just sort of a track stand, slow enough to
theoretically turn the handlebars to the side without falling. The spokes of a wheel should be individually visible or graphics on a disc wheel should be readable. A rider does not actually have to remove a foot from the pedal and touch the ground. Be sure there is no on-coming traffic or other racers passing you as you are stopped, before proceeding. There are only two stop signs on the course, One at mile 16.2 crossing FM 2503 (exercise caution here, as the infrequent cross-traffic is high speed). The other stop sign is at the right turn after the small steep hill at the RR tracks, immediately before the finish. There are NO red lights. There are only 4 right turns and no left turns!!
11. Riders should ride bikes as far right on road as practical.
12. NO DRAFTING allowed but Social Interaction between racers is permitted
and encouraged. Let's have fun!! 13. Rider should conduct all "private" matters out of sight.
14. No support members or support vehicles on course.
15. Any complaints filed against another rider must be done within 5 minutes of the last rider finishing. Any final ruling will be made within 20 minutes of the finish of the event.
16. The Race Director has the final ruling on the finishing order of the event.
17. The Race Director has the authority to overrule, modify, or invoke a new rule
based on extenuating circumstances.
18. Warnings may be given at the discretion of a Race officials and/or Race Director. Warnings can be given at any time, although a warning does not have to be given before a penalty can be assessed.
19. Riders may take a hand-off from someone standing by the road within 500 feet of start/finish.
20. If a rider abandons, he/she is responsible to notify a Race Official. All full laps up to that point will count.
21. No duplication of awards.
22. No age groups.
23. The clock will/should not stop for any reason.
24. A racer may not receive any type of push-off from a person or vehicle.
25. There must be enough room between racers for rear vehicular traffic to
comfortably pass one racer at a time.
26. Race Officials may be stationed along the route
27. There is no requirement as to how much time or how many miles each person can or must ride. You can spend any length of time off the bike and still re-enter the race. Shade canopies are allowed but no overnight camping or tents are allowed in the Fayetteville town square.
28. In the event of a sprint to the finish, the front point of the front wheel of the racer must cross the plane of the finish line first, as in traditional bicycle racing.
29. Using profanity, abusive language, illegal drugs, banned substances of any kind by rider or crew will result in immediate disqualification. Warn your crew, because you will be disqualified for their behavior.
30. No illegal drafting of any motor vehicles.
- Bicycle Requirements:
1. Aero bars and disk wheels may be used.
2. While riding at night, each bicycle must be equipped with a legal front and
rear lighting (non-blinking) system and this system must be ON AT ALL TIMES
between dawn and dusk. The lights must be visible from 500 feet.
3. While riding at night, racers must have something reflective on their bikes
and/or body, facing in all four directions. Nightriders must also wear a reflective
vest and ankle bracelets. We suggest wrapping reflective tape around crankarms,
the forks, rear stays, and helmet.
4. Bicycles must be human powered only.
5. Any number of bicycles or replacement parts may be used during the race. (If you
change bikes, check with timing, you will need a new timing tag.)
6. Rider number must be displayed and visible when crossing start/finish line. In
addition, rider is required to call out race number to official.
7. If a recumbent is used, it will be in a separate division.
8. Tandem bicycles will be allowed in a separate division.
9. No separate division for Mountain Bikes.
- Safety:
1. Safety should be the single most important concern of everyone connected with the race.
2. In an emergency condition where human life is in jeopardy, all concern should be directed to the injured. If a rule is violated in an emergency situation, the Race
Director can make necessary allowances.
3. Since we use public roads, it is impossible to control traffic or get road closures.
Like unknown weather conditions, traffic simply has to be dealt with. Safety is
number one. Racers and crews must evaluate each situation and decide how best to proceed or not to proceed. Use common sense and think safety first!
- Support Crew Rules:
1. A person who is not a member of the support crew, who aids the racer in any way without the opposition of the racer, can be considered a crew member.
2. All crew members must sign and turn in the Release of Liability / Agreement &
Terms and Conditions prior to the race.
3. Each support crew is responsible for their welfare. They must be self-sufficient on locating food, water, supplies, medical facilities, and any other requirements for their riders. For safety reasons we do not want additional traffic on the road.
4. Penalties will be assessed against the rider for crew mistakes. Ignorance of the rules is no excuse. Each racer is responsible for the actions of their crew.
5. A racer may add crew members at any time during the race. The crew must notify Race HQ immediately and the new crew member must sign the Release of Liability / Agreement To Terms & Conditions.
6. A support crew must not hinder the progress of any racer. Actions that offer a
disadvantage to another racer are prohibited.
7. Support crews may offer legal assistance to any racer or crew at any time.
8. Racers, who drop out of competition, may join another racer's crew.
- Relay Team Rules:
1. Basic rules for solo racers apply to team racers, where appropriate, plus:
2. Drafting is permitted within teams not between teams. Intentional drafting of a
racer not on the team, such as another team, or other cyclist who happens to show up during the race is prohibited.
3. Penalties for rule violations will be imposed to the team, not just to the person
4. If one or more of the team members cannot ride, no substitutions or additions are allowed, but a single rider may complete the race.
5. The bicycle requirements are the same as for the solo division.
6. The rules for changing off racers (racer exchanges) are as follows: The front wheel of the incoming bike must cross the rear wheel of the outgoing bike. All trade-offs must take place within 500 feet of start/finish line.
- Forward Progress:
1. A rider may proceed on foot along the route as long as the bicycle is present
(carried, dragged, or pushed), so long as not to obstruct or impede the progress of other participants. We will have a neutral support vehicle driving counter clockwise with hazard blinkers on, just flag them down. They can give a rider a lift to the start/finish. If possible an official can take rider back to the point that the rider was picked up from. Avoid all this by making sure your bike is in good working order.
- Knowledge of Course:
1. The sole responsibility of knowing and following the prescribed cycling course
rests with each participant. No adjustments in times or results shall be made for
participants who fail to follow the proper course for any reason whatsoever.
- Traffic Laws:
1. All participants must obey all traffic laws while on the cycling course unless otherwise specified. In no case shall a cyclist cross a solid yellow line indicating a no passing zone. Any violation of this section shall result in disqualification or a variable time penalty as determined in the sole discretion of an official.
- Endangerment:
1. No cyclist shall endanger himself or another participant. Any cyclist, who
intentionally presents a danger to any participant or who, in the judgment of an
official, appears to present a danger to any participant or themself shall be
- Other Equipment:
Participants may use one earphone in the right ear ONLY. The other must be
cut off or taped off so that it is not usable.
1. Type of Helmet: All participants shall wear a protective head cover undamaged, which meets or exceeds the safety standards of the Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC). Helmets manufactured prior to March 10, 1999 must meet or exceed the safety standards of (i) the American National Standard Institute (ANSI Z- 90.4), (ii) The Snell Memorial Foundation (Protective Headgear for Bicycle Users), or (iii) ASTM F-1446 or F-1447, and which is clearly labeled by the manufacturer as satisfying such standards.
2. Chin Strap Violations: The helmet must be fastened before the participant first
mounts the bicycle, at all times when the participant is on the bicycle, and must not be unfastened until the participant has dismounted.
Position Fouls:
1. In accordance with the Rules as set forth in this Section, a participant is not
permitted to position his bicycle in the proximity of another moving vehicle to benefit from reduced air resistance. While on the cycling course, participants shall not work together to improve performance, efficiency, or position by teamwork or other joint.
Time Penalties:
1st offense = 2 Miles
2nd offense = 4 Miles
3rd offense = 6 Miles
4th offense = DISQUALIFIED